I’m Back!!!!!!!

Hi everyone, I haven’t seen you guys in a while. I need to tell you a few things, I am now in high school, I go to Larbert High and it is awesome. Second, I just did a show in the summer with my performing arts school Stageworx. I did a solo and the song was called pulled from the Addams family Musical. I got to be the ring master in a circus dance we did the whole show was awesome and if you did come and see I hope you enjoyed it. To all the people in Carronshore primary… STAY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Welcome To My ePortfolio


I am going to use this blog to tell you about my Learning Journey. I’ll add all my achievements from inside and outside school.  I’ll also add some news about what’s happening in my life. Click on the ‘Categories’ section in my sidebar to find out more.