What I Did At The Winter Holiday

Hello world I am going to tell you what I did at the winter holiday.The last day of school I brought my IPod touch to school with me and my best friend Faiza J brought hers too, I was showing my other best friend Nicole M the lands that I made in the game Minecraft, Nicole said to me”I really like Minecraft”.After my friend Skye went to my house for her lunch, it was awesome and yummy.After a little while Skye went home so I was lonely  for about half an hour. Later my dad came home, I was happy that my dad came home. on Christmas eve Santa came early and gave me a present.It was a Sponge bob annual, it was great fun doing all of the puzzles in the book. On Christmas day I went down the stairs and saw all of the presents, I had a great day. Well bye for now!

What I Learned In School Today

Hello world, I’m going to tell everyone what I learned in school today. In the moring I done maths, we done decimals it was so fun and really easy.after, the teacher told us that there is a thing  a called R.A.K it was really fun learning about it.After we got a partner, I went with my best friend Nicole, we wrote a poem, after we went to I.C.T it was very fun, well bye for now.

What I Love About Christmas

I love Christmas because all of the Christmas presents you get

The other thing I love about Christmas is spending time with my family.

I love Christmas because the food that you get, it is so yummy!!!!

Christmas is so fun because, well lots of stuff

Well bye for now!

Stop Bullying

Bullying is a bad thing.

Bullying is horrid.

You should not bully people!.

If you do it to other people they might do it back to you.

You should tell a teacher about it.

But sometimes if the bully hears you telling the teacher it can make it better.

The bully can say”sorry” to you.

The bully might get the thing that the bully took from you.

You should not bully people because it can hurt people and I mean really hurt them.

That’s all I need to say, bye



Hello world on wednesday we went to swimming it was great, we played water polo, it was so fun, well, water polo is a very fun and great water game I was in the back team and my best friend Nicole M was in my team, but my other best friend Faiza J was in the other team, but there was no winners or losers in the game because we were just learning how to play water polo, it was very, very, very fun, well bye for now:~)!!!!

My learning

My Learning


About My Learning

I have been learning about: My indivdval talk.

I have got better at: Speaking in front of  people.

About My Feelings

  • I was really happy when: I did my class talk.
  • I really enjoyed: Doing my class talk in front of my class.

What I Need To Do To Keep Inproving

  • I know I still have to: Speak louder so people can hear me.

Although I can: Speak confidently in front of the class


  • I have been learning about: Art.
  • I have got better at: Drawing.
  • I am now able to: Draw Horses.




  • I was really happy when: I could Draw horses.
  • I really enjoyed: Drawing my favourite animal.
  • I liked it when: Julie took the photo of my horses.

I felt great when: I could Draw the horse and foal.


  • I know I still have to: Keep working on the straight lines on the horses back.
  • Although  I can: Do straight lines with a ruler.
  • In the future: I will make my lines straighter.
  • I will keep practising: On straight lines.
  • The next thing I will concentrate on is: My maths.